At Home with 3PM: Nature and Wellbeing

At Home with 3PM: Nature and Wellbeing

by 3PM

As part of our 3PM at Home series, we are posting regular updates about our team and what we are doing to keep spirits high. Click here to view all of the posts in the series.

Reflecting on Earth Day, this week we encouraged everybody to spend some time in nature, whilst still practising social distancing.

During these changing times where most of us are at home working out our new normal, whether it is looking after children whilst they are away from school, creating an office at home to work from, or simply getting through the days away from family members and friends, we are subtly reminded of a constant diorama around us. Mother Nature, the universe and the world that existed before humans is somewhat thriving in our absence. We are humbled and reminded that perhaps we are guests on this planet and we should try in the future to treat the world around us as such.

Understanding this relationship and the impact nature has on our wellbeing, we encouraged the team to find time every day to be outside and be part of the environment around them, whilst maintaining all government guidelines around social distancing. We cannot be complacent in how all of this affects our mental health and our team have been truly fantastic in adapting to these new ways of working and are inspiring on their approach to taking care of themselves and those around them.

As we navigate through this, we at 3PM will continue to support our team, their families, our Clients, the external teams we work with as best we can, and for right now that is through an image of 3PM out and about enjoying nature.